Murrumbooee CBDs Murrumbooee Gold Gelcaps CBD Bio-soluble Oral Sprays Murrumbooee CBD Products For Everyone Convenient Flavored CBD Oral Sprays

Murrumbooee Superfoods

Murrumbooee started as a small boutique Australian condiment business. In 2017 the business was acquired by the Hop2it Group of Companies and a year later it closed its Australian factory to move parts of its food manufacturing to Asia. In 2018 the business expanded into Cannabinoid products and concentrated its resources on the infusion of Hemp oils and other by-products into its condiment range. Through 2019, the Directors have been working in Asia to expand into Hemp-based textile production and other Hemp activities in Australia. In the USA Hop2it sell Murrumbooee branded CBD's including flavored bio-soluble Oral Sprays.


    Welcome to Murrumbooee! The word Murrumbooee comes from the Australian Aboriginal word for “cascading water”. Murrumbooee is a real waterfall surrounded by Gilbraltar national park in northern New South Wales, Australia.

    Hours & Location

    Riverview, 48 Kurilpa Street, West End, Brisbane QLD Australia 4101
    (61) 404-206-660

    Mon-Fri: 10am-11pm
    Sat-Sun: 11am-9pm

    About Us

    Welcome to Murrumbooee! The word Murrumbooee comes from the Australian Aboriginal word for “cascading water”. Murrumbooee is a real place surrounded by national parks. Murrumbooee is a registered Australian business and Registered Trademark, managed by our food manufacturing business, Good Food Addict Pty Ltd.

    In 2020 Murrumbooee concentrates on the propagation and cultivation of Hemp for food and animal supplements. The company has an Australian Permit to import Hemp Seed and bi-products for human consumption. Suitable land has been located in Toowoomba and other parts of southeast Queensland on which the company will commence Hemp Grows.

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